Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Help Needed!!!

Hey guys,
I need you to help me out and cast a vote for me.... its easy, just go to my main page and click on the vote for me, put the 3 digit code in and when you call me with the 3 digit code I will give you a few free minutes.


Happy Halloweeeenie!!!

Hey Guys,
Halloween is just right around the corner, check out out new Halloween site I hope everyone has as much fun as I do, I love dressing up....I'm sure you all know that. This is my favorite time of the year to be a NASTY GIRL, I am undecided this year what to be, wont you give me some suggestions???? The nastier the better, I am running out of time, have a big party to go to on Saturday, call me sooon!!!!!!! In case you havent noticed Friday, Oct 26 is a full moon, you know what that means....if not call me and I will be more than willling to share!!!!!!! I LOVE FULL MOONS!!!!!!